Wednesday, April 13, 2016


The Empty Closet is MOVING!

To prepare for the move, we are having a big yard sale. Packing and arranging details has taken over our lives at the moment, I hope to get back to sewing this summer!

Here is proof, the closet is EMPTY.  Yes, it's a technicality, but it's fun to see the glorious emptiness - and to dream about the next closet which will be bursting with fabric, patterns and dreams of more quilts.

Happy Sewing

P.S. If you are local - come to our yard sale!

1 comment:

  1. I do not envy you. The earlier part of my adult life was spent in too many moves. I've dug my heels in here for over thirty years. LOL! Hope yours goes well for you and that you have the absolute perfect new place!
