Sunday, March 17, 2013

I didn't do much sewing this week.  I travelled to my hometown and visited with my family.  My grandmother passed away last Saturday.  She is at peace now, having been blessed with a long life and wonderful family.  The photo above shows the two of us with a quilt I gave her for Christmas a few years ago.  I spent a lot of time thinking of ways to keep grandma's memory  - tea and cinnamon rolls will always remind me of her.

I can finally share this quilt.  Last week, my cousin celebrated his 40th birthday.  His wife had asked if I could make him a quilt for his Steeler room.  As I am not just a quilt maker, but also a die-hard Steeler fan, I thought this would be a lot of fun.  I used this pattern, which is a real favorite!  I doubt my cousin reads my blog, but I didn't want to share this quilt with others until he had received it.

DH held up the quilt for a photo.  I'm usually happy to see a quilt head off to it's rightful owner, but we agreed - this one belongs here with our Terrible Towel.  I shipped the quilt, but I am sure I will make one for us too.  

Now that I am home and rested, I'm sure I will get back in the  swing of obsessive quilt making.  I'm quite certain that my family will remember me some day because they are all covered in love and quilts.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Your grandmother looks like a real sweetie. Mine left this earth when she was 93. I still miss her every day. She taught me so much! And what better way to be remembered than as a coverer with love and quilts! Oh, and I do like that quilt. Mary's boxed squares is one of my favorites, too.

Nancy said...

I'm so sorry for your grandmother's passing. It sounds like you have sweet memories of time spent with her.

The Steelers quilt is so fun. I'm sure your cousin loves his quilt -- how could he not?!